A Helpful Guide to Long Exposure Photography: Beginner’s Guide to Long Exposure Photography

You may catch everything that happens while your camera shutter is open using long exposure photography. Daytime-long exposure photography may provide stunning images that really bring a setting to life. It’s astonishing how well long exposures of the night sky can portray the vastness of the universe. You’ll get amazing results with long exposures, no matter what you do.

Because long-exposure photography can be difficult to learn, this is the one drawback. For long exposure photography, you need the correct equipment, a willingness to explore, and an understanding of the science involved.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to take long exposure photos, how to set up your camera for long exposure shots, and how to correctly control your focus and shutter settings.

What Does the Term “Long Exposure” Mean in Photography?

Long exposure photography is a form of photographic method in which the photographer leaves the camera shutter open for a specified amount of time, as defined by the manufacturer. Typically, for a significantly longer period of time than while shooting a standard image.

For example, while shooting pictures, a shutter speed of between 1/5000 and 1/40 of a second is typically used. Taking a crisp image in a split second is made possible by this technique. However, when you select a slower shutter speed, which typically starts at roughly half a second, the shutter remains open for a longer period of time, allowing you to capture far more detail.

Long exposure photography may be thought of as leaving your camera’s eye open for a longer period of time in order to capture more information. To achieve the greatest results, this is typically done with a tripod. Photographs taken with a long exposure time need the camera to be totally steady.

By leaving the camera shutter open for more than half a second, you can catch motion in a still shot, which is useful for capturing things like water, clouds, and animals in motion. With a long exposure image, you can capture more information than what your eyes can see in a single second.

When a long exposure shot is taken, the outcome is so wonderful that people believe it has been altered. The human eye is unable to grasp everything that is going on inside one of these photographs, which causes them to appear surreal.

How Do You Do Long Exposure Photography?

In terms of long exposure photography, there is no set technique to follow. It will take time and patience to become proficient in this form of photography as you establish your own unique style and flow.

However, if you’ve never done it before and are looking for a place to start, this straightforward instruction will get you started on your path to becoming a photographic master.

Step 1: Be prepared.

This may come across as trite, but it is true. Decide on a location and a time of day in which to take your long exposure shots and plan your shooting schedule accordingly. Then arrive early so that you can prepare.

Choose a location, double-check that the time and lighting are ideal, observe and study the natural environment (including factors like the direction of the clouds and the level of the ride), and have your equipment prepared.

Step 2: Get your settings right.

Before you begin shooting photographs, you should switch your camera to manual mode or bulb mode and fine-tune all of the settings on your camera. Important to remember to switch off the picture stabilization feature. We’ll go through the correct settings in further detail later.

Step 3: Make sure your tripod is sturdy and in a safe place.

Before you begin shooting photographs, you should switch your camera to manual mode or bulb mode and fine-tune all of the settings on your camera. Important to remember to switch off the picture stabilization feature. We’ll go through the correct settings in further detail later.

Step 4: Get in focus.

When taking images, it is essential to have a proper focus in order for them to come out tidy and crisp.

Step 5: Adjust your shutter speed, your aperture, and your ISO.

In order to get the best results, your exposure value should be equal to zero. You may check this by using the light meter that came with your camera. Please be certain that you have selected a shutter speed prior to shooting.

Step 6: Take your first shot.

This will serve as your practice photograph. Take a snapshot of your subject, double-check it to make sure that the exposure and focus are excellent, then change the shutter speed if necessary to achieve the desired result.

Step 7: Adjust your ND filters.

Depending on the filter you’re using, you may need to adjust the shutter speed still another time. Install the filter with care so that it does not interfere with the focus ring on your camera. Also vital is to keep your viewfinder covered so that no light gets into your camera’s sensing area.

Step 8: Take another shot with your filters equipped.

Examine the photograph, make any required adjustments to the settings, experiment with the shutter speed, and repeat the process. Examine your histogram as well as your concentration. Take a few more photos. You’re really getting into it now!

As a side note, make sure you utilize either the shutter delay or the shutter release to avoid shaking your camera when taking pictures.

What Are The Settings For Long Exposure Photos?

Unfortunately, there isn’t a single cheat sheet that has all of the finest configurations. The settings for your long exposure images may vary based on the weather and subject matter you are photographing. The following are a few recommended settings that novices should become familiar with.

General Settings:

The most critical component is to photograph in manual mode or in bulb mode whenever possible. You should also shoot in RAW if you want to get the most possible quality out of your image files. Disable the picture stabilization by using the ESC key. Images with blurry backgrounds are common when shooting long exposures with an image stabilization system.

You’ll also want to turn on the metering mode, which is called as Matrix Mode on certain cameras and Evaluative Mode on Canon cameras, depending on the manufacturer. This will assist your camera in placing emphasis on the area in which the focus is.

Focus Settings:

When it comes to focusing, the most essential thing to remember is to do it before you apply any filters to your camera. ND filters reduce the amount of light that reaches the sensor, making it difficult for most cameras to focus. In order to avoid this, you should always focus your camera without the use of any filters first, then snap a test image to ensure that the focus is proper before using your filter.

If you want to find the sharpest spot in your scene, always zoom in with the Live View. Focusing on the hyperfocal distance, or the initial third of your shot is one of the quickest and most reliable methods of achieving the proper focus in virtually any circumstance. Remember to switch to manual focus before taking any images if you’re focused in auto mode.

Shutter Settings:

When it comes to long exposure photography, the shutter speed is essential. Changing the shutter speed of your camera may have a significant impact on the quality of your images. When it comes to determining the ideal shutter speed, you’ll most likely have to do a lot of experimentation. The best advice is to experiment with shutter speeds until you discover one that works for your present lighting and what you’re attempting to accomplish.

As a result of the softening of all the motion inside the photograph, longer shutter speeds provide more ethereal and dreamlike atmospheres. Long exposures with the most dramatic backdrops require exposure lengths of more than 5 minutes, which is what we’re discussing here. It is vital that you are operating in bulb mode when doing this.

Shorter exposure lengths, such as one minute or less, will still capture the details of moving objects, but they will not be as dramatic as longer exposure times. It is recommended to use a shutter speed of around one minute to generate a dynamic impression and an engrossing, strong photograph.

Of course, a variety of factors can influence your shutter speed. It will depend on whether you’re photographing at night or in daylight if you’re attempting to eliminate individuals who are strolling by your image if you’re dealing with sluggish or quick clouds, and even whether there are city lights in the backdrop when you’re shooting photographs.

A lot of these configurations must be learned through trial and error.

When Should I Take Long Exposure Photos?

You have the freedom to shoot long-exposure photographs whenever you choose. However, depending on whether you’re photographing at night or during the day, you’ll end up with shots that are vastly different from one another.

Long Exposure Photography At Night

a long period of exposure Photographing at night will almost always require a long exposure time. In order to ensure that your sensor receives adequate light, you must leave the shutter open for a longer period of time due to the lack of light outside. Photography of the Milky Way, the Northern Lights, or even meteors will need a great deal of patience, as with any other type of photography.

That being said, evening-long exposure images have a dreamlike, almost hallucinogenic look to them that, when done well, can be breathtaking.

Long Exposure Photography In The Day

Making long exposure shots during the day is particularly challenging since the amount of light available might result in images that are overexposed. The shutter simply absorbs too much light, which might result in ruined images. This is why Neutral Density filters, often known as Neutral Density filters, are required for the majority of daylight photography.

Nonetheless, prolonged exposure Photographing landscapes and cityscapes during daylight produces stunning, dramatic photographs. The water appears to be moving, the plants appear to be crisper, and the light appears to be brighter. To say it is extraordinary would be an understatement.

Just keep in mind that daylight photography necessitates a shutter speed of just around a half-second at the very most. If you leave your shutter open for more than one second, the flowing water might get blurred, and the entire photograph will be a disappointment.


Long exposure photography is a complex subject with a lot to learn. Learn how to use suitable filters, how long to keep the shutter open, how to properly focus your camera, and even which cameras are the best for your photography needs.

Fortunately, learning to take long exposure shots is a simple process. Just remember to explore, to try out different shutter speeds, and to have fun with your camera both at night and during the daytime hours.

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