How to Know if You’re Improving as a Photographer? Do This Simple Test

It’s always wonderful to have some evidence that you’re genuinely progressing as the weeks, months, and years pass and your knowledge and talents in photography continue to increase. But how exactly do you go about obtaining that feedback? If you perform this easy exam, you will immediately be able to see how far you have progressed.

When we start anything new or make a modification to our lives with the intention of bringing about some sort of betterment, we frequently have a goal in mind on where we’d like our lives to eventually end up. The loss of weight is a straightforward example.

If we have a particularly robust holiday season between Christmas and New Year’s and get on the scales afterward, we may discover that we are not exactly in fighting shape. As a result, we may decide that we want to lose some kilograms. In this scenario, we are thinking about both the beginning and the finish of the process.

It might be a loss of five kilos, ten kilograms, or anything else; nonetheless, it is quite easy to assess, as we can just step on the scales every morning and check our progress. The same may be said about running times and a lot of other things that can be objectively measured. However, what about the art of photography? How can we determine whether or not we are making progress?

This question leads us to a fantastic video created by Mark Denney, in which he takes us through a very straightforward test that any of us may do to evaluate how far we’ve progressed as photographers over the course of our own travels. What exactly is it? A basic before and after the test.

To be more specific, he suggests that we should open up edits that we made many years ago and examine how we would handle similar situations differently now. In particular, he says that we ought to keep an eye out for three important things: recognizing the errors that we made in our initial edits; applying new local adjustments to our edits by means of filters and masks; and working on global adjustments while evaluating the outcomes.

It is a very useful exercise for determining how our editing strategies evolve as a result of our increased level of expertise and experience. It’s a fantastic show, and I can’t suggest it enough to anybody. What do you think are the most significant alterations that you’ve made to your editing style over the years?

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