How to Improve Your Landscape Photographs by using Cropping

In order to keep your eye sharp while retaining as much resolution and flexibility as possible in the file, it is always a good idea to try to get your compositions right on camera. However, there is no shame in cropping in post-production in order to achieve a different aspect ratio, get closer than you were able to get in person, or simply change your mind about the composition. This handy video lesson will demonstrate how cropping may improve your landscape photographs, as well as the many techniques to use in order to achieve the best results.

This wonderful video lesson, which comes to us from Andrew Marr, will show you how to employ cropping to increase the quality of your landscape photographs. When cropping your images, keep in mind that Lightroom has a variety of tools to assist you in getting the results you want. You have the option of selecting the aspect ratio you desire, which is very important if you intend to print your image. As an alternative to the rule of thirds, you can use a range of classic compositional guidelines, in addition to the rule of thirds. To hear Marr’s entire explanation, please watch the video embedded above.

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